domingo, 17 de enero de 2010


Comparative Biology of Aging Summary - Normen S. Wolf
Springer ISBN: 9048134641 2009 PDF 394 pages 12,4 Mb

The processes of aging and death remain one of the most fascinating, and mysterious, areas of biological research. Huge anomalies between species raise questions the answers to which could have fundamental implications for the field of medical science. As scientists unlock the secrets of the exceptionally long-lived little brown bat (up to 34 years), or the common budgerigar, for example, which despite having a metabolic rate 1.5 times that of a laboratory mouse, can live for up to 20 years, it has become more important than ever to be able to make a comparative analysis of the various species used in research.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2010


Al estudio de la glándula tiroides se puede llegar por diferentes problemáticas. En algúnos casos su investigación obedece a trastornos sistémicos, y en estos a alteraciones locorregionales del sector cervical anterior. De una u otra manera, hasta hace unos años los elementos diagnósticos utilizados eran patrimonio del laboratorio endocrinológico y/o la centellografia. El aporte del diagnóstico por ultrasonido en este territorio, como veremos en el desarroll de los diferentes capítulos, consiste fundamentalmente en la evolución del volumen glandular, la caracterización de sus lesiones y la confirmación o descarte de patología nodular.
De este modo y utilizando equipamientos de última generación, estaremos en condiciones de colaborar con un diagnóstico de mayor certeza y precocidad, fundamentalmente en lesiones de dificil proyección. La intención de este libro es reconocer las múltiples patologías, mostrando los diferentes patrones que pueden presentar cada una de ellas, que deberán ser luego evaluadas en contexto multidisciplinario.


domingo, 10 de enero de 2010


Written by a team of expert authors from world-renowned Parkland Hospital, this rigorously referenced, landmark resource tells you everything you need to know about the practice of obstetrics in a unified, consistent tone not found in other texts.

For decades, ob-gyn practitioners and residents have hailed the book for its thoroughness, scientific orientation, and practical applicability at the bedside. Williams Obstetrics is reinforced throughout by a timely emphasis on evidence-based medicine, supported by state-of-the-art ultrasound images and original illustrations. The book's comprehensive coverage begins with an incisive look at maternal anatomy and physiology, and fetal growth and development. The text then progresses to the antepartum period, labor and delivery, the fetus and newborn, the peurperium period, obstetric complications, and medical and surgical complications.

New to this Edition

1,100 brand-new, precisely rendered full-color illustrations
Evidence-based medicine is highlighted in the text through the use of icons, better familiarizing you with the latest clinical guidelines and standards of care
Greater use of headings and subheadings to quickly lead you to the content you need
Improved algorithms and tables clearly and concisely present Class I evidence for diagnosis and treatment
In-depth coverage of abnormal obstetrics -- from obstetrical hemorrhage and preterm birth, to reproductive tract abnormalities -- provides the most clinically relevant perspectives in this pivotal area

Table of contents
Associate Editors
Section 1: Overview
1. Overview of Obstetrics
Section 2: Maternal and Fetal Anatomy and Physiology
2. Maternal Anatomy
3. Implantation, Embryogenesis, and Placental Development
4. Fetal Growth and Development
5. Maternal Physiology
6. Parturition
Section 3: Antepartum
7. Preconceptional Counseling
8. Prenatal Care
9. Abortion
10. Ectopic Pregnancy
11. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
12. Genetics
13. Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy
14. Teratology and Medications That Affect the Fetus
15. Antepartum Assessment
16. Fetal Imaging
Section 4: Labor and Delivery
17. Normal Labor and Delivery
18. Intrapartum Assessment
19. Obstetrical Anesthesia
20. Abnormal Labor
21. Disorders of Amnionic Fluid Volume
22. Labor Induction
23. Forceps Delivery and Vacuum Extraction
24. Breech Presentation and Delivery
25. Cesarean Delivery and Peripartum Hysterectomy
26. Prior Cesarean Delivery
27. Abnormalities of the Placenta, Umbilical Cord, and Membranes
Section 5: Fetus & Newborn
28. The Newborn Infant
29. Diseases and Injuries of the Fetus and Newborn
Section 6: Puerperium
30. The Puerperium
31. Puerperal Infection
32. Contraception
33. Sterilization
Section 7: Obstetrical Complications
34. Pregnancy Hypertension
35. Obstetrical Hemorrhage
36. Preterm Birth
37. Postterm Pregnancy
38. Fetal Growth Disorders
39. Multifetal Gestation
40. Reproductive Tract Abnormalities
Section 7: Medical and Surgical Complications
41. General Considerations and Maternal Evaluation
42. Critical Care and Trauma
43. Obesity
44. Cardiovascular Disease
45. Chronic Hypertension
46. Pulmonary Disorders
47. Thromboembolic Disorders
48. Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders
49. Gastrointestinal Disorders
50. Hepatic, Biliary Tract, and Pancreatic Disorders
51. Hematological Disorders
52. Diabetes
53. Thyroid and Other Endocrine Disorders
54. Connective-Tissue Disorders
55. Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders
56. Dermatological Disorders
57. Neoplastic Diseases
58. Infectious Diseases
59. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Biographical note
F. Gary Cunningham, MD
Beatrice & Miguel Elias Distinguished Chair in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chairman Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX
Kenneth J. Leveno, MD
Professor and Chief of Obstetrics
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX
Steven L. Bloom, MD
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX
John C. Hauth, MD
Professor, Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL
Dwight Rouse, MD
Director of Obstetrical Complications Clinics
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL
Catherine Y. Spong, MD
Bethesda, MD

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sábado, 2 de enero de 2010


Esta obra incluye las patologías del ojo más frecuentes y a través de sus capítulos permitirá al estudiante o médicos generales diagnosticar, tratar o referir al especialista en cualquier momento de la evolución de los padecimientos. El contenido está organizado para abarcar la mayor parte de los temas de interés para el estudiante, se incluyen: anatomía del ojo, examen ocular, pérdida aguda y crónica de la agudeza visual, el ojo rojo, las lesiones orbitarias y cuerpos extraños en el ojo, manifestaciones oculares de las enfermedades sistémicas, entre otros tópicos.

El archivo viene comprimido en rar sin contraseña y pesa 15.1 Mb

ABC of Burns: Remo Papini - Peter Dziewulski

Product Description
Burns are one of the most devastating conditions encountered in medicine. The injuries affect people of all ages, both physically and psychologically, in the developed and the developing world. The correct management of burns needs a skilled multidisciplinary approach and this ABC provides an overview of the most important aspects of burn injuries for healthcare professionals.
This ABC book offers a comprehensive yet accessible review of burn management. It introduces the range of burns that a GP may become involved in treating or having treated at hospital. From explanations of how burns happen, through to first aid applications, pre–hospital treatment, dressings, resuscitation and the management of deep dermal burns.

It also looks at the subsequent management of burns through hyperalimentation and microbiological management, reconstruction and rehabilitation.
A significant contribution to an important area of care: burns are the second most common cause of accidental death in children in the UK. Early treatment of burns is essential to avoid disablement: impact on lungs, infection and later need for plastic surgery can all be reduced by appropriate assessment and prompt treatment.
Includes contributions from the UK, USA and Australia, and has a chaper on international disasters.
Presented in a clear and concise manner with many illustrations, this book will appeal to a wide readership including medical students, nurses, hospital doctors, and general practitioners.
From the Back Cover
Burns are one of the most devastating conditions encountered in medicine. The injuries affect people of all ages, both physically and psychologically, in the developed and the developing world. The correct management of burns needs a skilled multidisciplinary approach and this ABC provides an overview of the most important aspects of burn injuries for healthcare professionals.
This ABC book offers a comprehensive yet accessible review of burn management. It introduces the range of burns that a GP may become involved in treating or having treated at hospital. From explanations of how burns happen, through to first aid applications, pre–hospital treatment, dressings, resuscitation and the management of deep dermal burns.

It also looks at the subsequent management of burns through hyperalimentation and microbiological management, reconstruction and rehabilitation.
A significant contribution to an important area of care: burns are the second most common cause of accidental death in children in the UK. Early treatment of burns is essential to avoid disablement: impact on lungs, infection and later need for plastic surgery can all be reduced by appropriate assessment and prompt treatment.
Includes contributions from the UK, USA and Australia, and has a chaper on international disasters.
Presented in a clear and concise manner with many illustrations, this book will appeal to a wide readership including medical students, nurses, hospital doctors, and general practitioners.