domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

Perioperative Medicine

Perioperative Medicine

Steven L. Cohn (Editor)

Product Description

Perioperative Medicine uses a concise, highly practical, bulleted format designed to ensure rapid comprehension of key concepts and reinforce the reader's understanding of complex topics in perioperative medicine. It contains authoritative, up-to-date coverage of the most essential concepts in perioperative care from preoperative risk assessment to postoperative follow-up. The Editor and his contributors use their expert insight and experience to provide an in-depth review of comorbid conditions, patient and surgery-specific risk assessment, and common postoperative complications.

This new book reviews recent developments in the field, including published guidelines, and emphasizes an evidence-based, cost-effective approach designed to ensure quality, patient safety, and optimal outcomes. It is intended for use by hospitalists, general internists and subspecialists as well as anesthesiologists, surgeons, and residents in training who are caring for patients before and after surgery.

Product Details

Paperback: 588 pages

Publisher: Springer; 1st Edition. edition (July 19, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0857294970

ISBN-13: 978-0857294975

Format: HQ PDF with bookmarks, pagination and cover

Size: 3.7 MB

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