viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2009

RETINA: Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology

Adam H Rogers, Jay S. Duker MD, "Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Series: Retina"
Mosby 2007 ISBN: 0323049591 304 pages PDF 30,4 MB

This title in the Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Series presents a wealth of full-color images - along with differential diagnoses - in side-by-side page layouts to assist you in identifying a full range of retinal disorders. A templated format expedites access to the guidance you need to diagnose the most common retinal conditions - from simple to complex - encountered in practice.
•Coverage of cutting-edge topics including lucentis therapy for wet ARMD, Avastin therapy for macular disease, and guidance on OCT imaging, help you keep your knowledge up to date.
•Hundreds of full-color images present conditions as they present in real life.
•Common diagnostic pitfalls discuss what to look out for when making a difficult diagnosis.
•A templated, color-coded layout and differential diagnosis boxes for each condition help you make quick, accurate clinical decisions.
•A focus on the most common conditions encountered in practice allows you to efficiently formulate treatment plans and referrals.


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